Our Services

What we do

We offer our clients the opportunity to purchase fully configured system built-in futureproofing, regardless of the size of installation, from a single site to multi-site roll outs, requiring stage managed implementation. We will only recommend and offer you a solution that is entirely appropriate for your needs – designed with the future in mind.

Water treatment design & construction

We offer a comprehensive range of water treatment options and process solutions, designed with most recent advanced technologies available

Water tower and tank fabrication

We supply and install high quality galvanized pressed steel tank, with lifespan of over 25 years, withstanding harsh weather conditions.

Borehole Drilling

Magytek limited is among the most experienced borehole and water well engineers in Nigeria, we also provide maintenance services.

Water treatment System Automatic

We assemble, install and manage high quality treatment and purification systems for domestic and industrial facilities.

Water treatment Facility maintenance and management

Magytek limited is wholly water solution and our success stories speaks for us.